Journeying in Genesis: If God is able, then why…?

We cry out to the Creator for whom nothing is impossible! This builds our faith, makes our knees bow, and our hearts soar before Him. But before we move ahead in our Genesis journey, let’s look at an issue we need to understand.

If nothing is impossible for God, then why has He not moved in certain ways that we would hope? Not rescued at times and in ways we would expect? Seemed silent when our hearts are crying out? Left situations not completely repaired and wrapped up with a bow this side of eternity?

We are at war, and if you are in Christ, you are fighting on the winning side. He hears us. In His perfect love and wisdom, He is moving in the way that is best. Romans 8:28 promises that it is for our good and His glory. Genesis to Revelation makes it clear that God is using enemy attacks for great Kingdom gain, and orchestrating demise for the evil one in ways we might not have guessed. It helps me tremendously to remember that God did not rescue His own Son from the cross. The wonder of the restraint as Jesus was mocked, tortured, and killed makes me emotional.

“He who did not spare His own Son,

but delivered Him up for us all,

how shall He not with Him

also freely give us all things?

Romans 8:32

Romans 8:17 lets us know that we will suffer with Him. But only with great purpose in store! So one of my New Year’s Resolutions is to cease striving and enjoy watching what He is doing. We can trust Him. Be content that you may not see the redemption of certain things until eternity. And that’s okay, because the best is yet to come.


Journeying in Genesis: When God Hovers


Thank God for New Beginnings! Journeying in Genesis