A Study of John 15: Abide in Him


On His way to the cross, Jesus revealed something vital.  The One who taught like no one else, used an analogy of a grapevine involving Himself as the True Vine, God the Father as the Vinedresser, and we children as the branches.  Recorded in John 15, this teaching reveals that there is no greater, purpose-filled living than in relationship with God through Jesus Christ. 

Like a branch to a vine, Jesus says we must abide in Him.  This command is not one more thing to do or laborious striving.  It is an invitation into the Divine.  By obediently laying down our own agendas to pick up His, we are able to rest in His love as we joyfully allow the Vinedresser to attend to us.  Abiding in Christ makes us some mighty blessed branches. 

​John 15 is a life changing Chapter.  We will view glorious spiritual scenery as we walk through it verse-by-verse in this seven week study.  Along with the teaching provided, we will have opportunity to journal as we ruminate on God’s Word, and memory verses to help us write it on our hearts.  God’s desire is that we glorify Him by bearing much fruit, and it only happens as we abide in Christ.  Prepare to come alive and be transformed as the Savior of the world invites us to true Kingdom living as secure, beloved children.

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